Le site iModeler.com met en garde de façon suivante tous ceux qui voudraient se procurer le Cougar F9F-8T/TF-9J de Kitty Hawk. Je n'ai jamais vu une critique aussi négative de la part de Tom Cleaver, qui s'y connaît vraiment en kits d'avion.
Do not buy the Kitty Hawk F9F-8T/TF-9J Cougar. A new world’s record was set at Le Chateau du Chat today: 2 hours 35 minutes from first part cut from the sprue to the box stomped into its component atoms and dumped in the trash, under a load of used kitty litter.
Not. One. Thing. Fits. Not. One.
Once again, Kitty Hawk is Lucy with the football, and you the modeler are Charlie Brown.
You will never, ever, see another review from me of a Kitty Hawk kit.
The sad thing is, who else was going to release Cougars? Two-seaer, photo bird, fighter. Not to mention all the other 50s jets they’re in the process of fooking up. And after they’ve gotten through peeing in the Cheerios, nobody else is going to touch these.
Consider yourself warned.
Référence : http://imodeler.com/2014/07/a-word-to-the-wise/#comment-78268