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Messages : 1264
Date d'inscription : 15/05/2010
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Marines! Empty
MessageSujet: Marines!   Marines! EmptySam 1 Oct 2011 - 17:47

J'ai vu une phrase qu'un gars signe sur Hyperscale qui est super le fun.

Cela a rapport à l'insigne des US Marines! (Mah-rines!) geek

Il signe:
“We stole the eagle from the Air Force, the anchor from the Navy, and the rope from the Army.
On the seventh day while God rested, we overran his perimeter, stole the globe, and we've been running the whole show ever since.”
Marines! 6a00d810

Traduction: Nous avons volé l'aigle des forces aérienne, l'ancre de la marine, la corde de l'armée. Au septième jour quand dieu se reposait, nous avons capturé son périmêtre, volé le globe, et nous menons tout le spectacle depuis ce temps-là! muhaha! grrr... Ah oui?? Rofl?
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Messages : 1427
Date d'inscription : 20/03/2010
Age : 60
Localisation : Longueuil By the river

Marines! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Marines!   Marines! EmptyDim 2 Oct 2011 - 1:43

Version Canadienne, des différents services militaires canadiens.

Canadian Military Jokes

The following would be the reaction of different types of Canadian soldiers upon encountering a snake in a theatre of operations:

Paratrooper: Kills the snake.

Armor: Runs over the snake, giggles and looks for more snakes.

Infantry (RCR): “Look a putty cat. Come here kitty. Ouch! Hey that’s not a kitty cat.”

Infantry (R 22e R) : “Tabarnack! Me see snake. Me like snake. Ouch! Me no like snake”.

Infantry (PPCLI) : Plays with the snake, then eats it.

Artillery: Kills the snake, but in the process, kills several hundred civilians with a massive time-on-target with three artillery brigades in support. Mission is considered a success, and all participants are awarded Orders of Military Merit (including cooks, mechanics, clerks, etc.)

Pararescue: Wounds the snake in the first encounter, then feverishly works to save the snake’s life.

JTF 2: Expends all ammunition and several grenades and calls for a tactical air strike in a failed attempt to kill the snake. Snake bites the JTF 2 Commander and retreats to safety.

Air Force Combat Controller: Guides the snake elsewhere.

Canadian Ranger: Follows the snake and gets lost.

Sea King Pilot: Has GPS grid to snake. Can’t find snake. Has engine failure and barely makes it back to base. Goes to the Officer’s Mess for some sort of drink called “The Snake.”

Military Intelligence: “Snake? What? Where? Huh?”

Military Police: Arrests the snake, then spends two hours trying to handcuff it. Snake escapes.

Combat News Reporter: Sees the snake 200 meters away. Writes an in-depth article in “Maple Leaf” on snakes. Minister of National Defense reads the article and states that “Canadian Forces are better equipped to deal with snakes than they were in the Gulf War.” Then he cuts the military budget another 50% and gives large pay increases to senior officers.
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