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 Réalité des couleurs et leurs application

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3 participants

Messages : 1264
Date d'inscription : 15/05/2010
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MessageSujet: Réalité des couleurs et leurs application   Réalité des couleurs et leurs application EmptyDim 3 Juin 2012 - 3:46

Je fait cette rubrique pour illustrer les différentes discussions entre modelistes concernant les couleurs et leurs applications.

Un sujet très contreversé, qui soulève des émotions profondes et qui peut être facilement mal-interprétés
surtout quand on regarde de photos en noir et blanc

Pour commencer je publie un texte d'un ancien tech de la US air force dans le temps de la guerre du viet-nam et ce qu'il a à dire:

Respectful suggestion (long post)
June 2 2012 at 11:18 PM Jeff Nelson (Login JeffCC)
HyperScale Forums
from IP address
I would like to respectfully suggest something to modelers in general. Ive read many threads on many sites about paint schemes, colors, patterns, markings, etc. It seems that some of us feel they are authorities on aircraft restorations and accurate modeling. Just for reference, go back to Jan 2011 and look at the comments regarding the FHC Fw-190 A-5 and D-13. I read that thread again today and felt I must comment, primarily because I was so pissed when I read it the first time over a year ago I quit posting on any modeling sites.
Let me say first, that I am a modeler. My father belonged to the IPMS and built models for numerous people, including Jimmy Doolittle. I was in the Air Force and worked on F-105s and F-5s, with a little time on A7s, F-111s, and F-4s. I have also participated in many actual aircraft restorations, due to my close working relationship with GossHawk Unlimited.
Regarding modeling, a little history might be useful here so that you know where I am coming from.. I was stationed in Thailand during the Vietnam War and worked daily on many F-105Gs. Being a modeler, I took note of all the little details on the aircraft and was amazed at all the little differences there actually were between aircraft, mostly internal but much on the external side as well. There where many things you would never see until all the aircraft were parked along side each other. Then it was obvious that camo patterns, colors, and details were not necessarily consistent from one plane to another. Colors faded a little, rattle can touch-ups altered patterns, tail code positions and colors changed slightly, and so on. In fact, when I returned to the world, I was invited to my Dads IPMS chapter to discuss F-105 wheel well colors. Three different groups were arguing over whether wheel wells on F-105s were silver, white, or zinc chromate (or various shades of green.). I mentioned that on my group of aircraft, I saw all three colors. In fact one aircraft had one of each. I explained that as these aircraft went through the IRAN facility, the intent was to get them back in service quickly and that the planes were stripped for inspection and repainted as they were being put back together. Depending upon the urgency, sometimes just having paint had priority over color. In addition, once on station, any repairs might have included a color change. After a bit of silence from the group, I was as much as told I was lying by a few of the more vocal types. Mind you, in the entire group, only a few had been in the military, and few of them had actually worked on aircraft. Apparently, my active daily involvement with the aircraft in question did not carry as much weight as an old photo. My active participation with modelers took a left turn right there.
All this being said, please understand that when you criticize another modelers work or that of a restoration shop, or in this case, Paul Allens two 190s, you may not have all (or the same) information that we did when we restored the aircraft. I know the painters of both airplanes, and I can assure you they did NOT haphazardly throw paint at the aircraft. There was much discussion and as much proof as could be found presented before the paint went on. As a side note, on one site I belong to, a modeler had derogatory comments about the way the word Commodore was painted on the nose of the Fw 190 D-13. He said something about some American interpretation of the way it would have been done. The fact that the painter, Steve Baber, had a very obscure photo of the nose, and spent days duplicating the word exactly, was evidently not enough for the commenter In addition, when you quote colors, they are not always exactly what they seem to be. The Fw 190s are a good example of that. There might 5 or 6 different shades of black on an airplane. We called them engine black, insignia black, cockpit black, radio black, etc. They were all different, but it wasnt obvious at all until they were next to each other.
In short, this is not intended to be a flame at anyone or modelers in general. I totally understand that we all strive for accuracy in our modeling. But please note that when you see a photo of an aircraft, it really only represents that aircraft on that day. When you see a camo pattern drawing, it was usually at best a suggested standard. In the fog of war, nobody paid attention to whether a fuselage band was 3 inches too far aft or if a pattern matched the standard. Accuracy is indeed a moving target. Its just that, having been involved with various scales over the last 50 years (including 1:1) I get a bit miffed at experts. Even they do not always get it right, so a little latitude and friendly discussion might be in order here and there.

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Messages : 1427
Date d'inscription : 20/03/2010
Age : 60
Localisation : Longueuil By the river

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MessageSujet: Re: Réalité des couleurs et leurs application   Réalité des couleurs et leurs application EmptyDim 3 Juin 2012 - 17:18

Je gardait ca en réserve, voici une version plus humoristique du point de vue "maniaques des couleurs". Ca vient de la revue "Airways"(février 1999) spécialisée dans les avions de lignes. Le chroniqueur est Richard "Rick" Drury, qui est devenu pilote de ligne après le Vietnam. (les ... signifient un bout de texte éliminé.)
...At a gathering of these people(modelers) there was a lovely model of a modern airliner on display."Let me ask you", one said, "about the Corrogard as we see it here."
I nodded, having no idea whatsoever what he was talking about. I looked carefully at the model, indeed, an MD-11 wich I fly. Corroguard?!
"Well, is it correct or not?" the fellow asked.
Again I inspected that model as best as I could. Looked like an MD-11 to me. Excellent-as far as i could tell. But I had to confess.
"What on earth are you talking about?" I asked.
"Tought you flew these things," one said.
"Yes, of course, have almost 4000 hours on them. But,?"
"Well,"" the man continued, as tough I were a simple student, "wings of airliners are painted in certain ways. Leading edges are usually silver or natural metal, and others area are a kind of gray. The problem is the area between the spars wich look like a kind of metallic gray." ... (This paint is called Aeroflex, basically a coal tar epoxy coating that is abrasion, solvent resistant and even flexible. But the color is susceptible to variation as affected by humidity and temperature.)
"Oh yes, of course, I see what you are saying," I said. "Looks about right to me."
Well, that would not do. Did the shade look right? Was the color that which I have seen on the MD-11s I have flown?
This arena was a rough one. And it certainely does not stop at Corroguard. These people, the dedicated modelers, know more about airliners from this perspective than any of us who fly them. Yes, I too am a modeler, but I am also a pilot. I tend to go by the rule, "if it looks like an MD-11 then it's just fine." Of course I care about the paint scheme, but I do not carry the little flashlight and magnifiying glass of the true enthusiast. Well, not yet anyway.
...To show that minutiae madness never ends, that the questions multiply, and the passionate inquisitor prevails, here is a little tail.
I was asked to give a talk on what it was like to fly the old Douglas Skyraider in combat. So I accepted this offer (it included dinner) and off I went, fully prepared to talk about this wonderful airplane that was so much a dramatic part of my life.
After introductions, I took the audience on a combat mission. First on a rescue for a downed pilot. Led them through the ground fire, the screams on the radio, the pounding of the heart, tracers across the sky, airplanes going down, parachutes in the sky amid the snarling bullets, multiple 23mm and 37mm starbursts of lead in the sky, the absolute terror and fear of the mission, blasting guns, ...fighting our way in and out of the target area-the blood, the sweat, and the tears. And the incredible relief of getting back home to the runway-Alive!. It was a pretty good show, I thought.
The first question stopped me cold.
"Sir, would you mind telling us, what was the color of the wheel wells?"
It never ends!
Traduit. Par Google, Rolling Eyes re-corrigé par moi.

.. Lors d'un rassemblement de ces personnes (maquettistes) il y avait un modèle d'avion de ligne moderne en montre. "Permettez-moi de vous demander", qu'on me demande, «sur le Corrogard comme nous le voyons ici."
J'ai hoché la tête, n'ayant aucune idée que ce soit ce dont il parlait. J'ai regardé attentivement le modèle, en effet, un MD-11 que je vole. Corroguard?!
"Eh bien, est-il exact ou non?" a-t-il demandé.
Encore une fois j'ai inspecté ce modèle du mieux que je pouvais. Ca ressemblait à un MD-11 pour moi. Excellent, meme. Mais j'ai dû avouer.
«De quoi parlez-vous?" Demandai-je.
"Je pensait que vous pilotiez ces appareils," dit l'un.
"Oui, bien sûr, j'ai près de 4000 heures sur eux. Mais,?"
«Eh bien», «l'homme a continué, comme si j'étais un simple étudiant," Les ailes d'avions de ligne sont peints d'une certaine manière. Les bords d'attaque sont généralement en métal argenté ou naturel, et les autres sections sont une sorte de gris. Le problème, c'est la zone située entre le bord d'attaque et les flaps, qui sont comme une sorte de gris métallisé. "... (Cette peinture s'appelle Aeroflex, essentiellement un revêtement époxy de goudron de houille qui est résiste à l'abrasion,aux solvants et même flexible. Mais la couleur est susceptible de de modification, dépendant de l'humidité et la température.)
"Oh oui, bien sûr, je vois ce que vous dites," je l'ai dit. "Ca a l'air correct à mes yeux."
Eh bien, ce n'était pas suffisant pour lui. La teinte et le fini était bonne? Est-ce que la couleur du modele correspondait aux MD-11 que j'ai volé? Rolling Eyes
Cet arène est brutale, et ca ne s'arrete pas au Corroguard. Ces personnes, les maquettistes dédiés, en savent plus sur les avions de ligne à partir de ce point de vue que chacun d'entre nous qui les pilotent. Oui, moi aussi je suis un maquettiste, mais je suis aussi un pilote. J'ai tendance à aller par la règle, "si ca ressemble à un MD-11, he bien c'est parfait." Bien sûr, je me soucie du pattern de la peinture, mais je ne traine pas la lampe de poche et la loupe des vrais passionés.
Eh bien, pas encore.
... Pour montrer que la folie de la minutie ne se termine jamais, que les questions se multiplient, et la passion l'emporte, voici une petite anectode.
On m'a demandé de faire un exposé sur ce que c'était que de voler le vieux Douglas Skyraider au combat. J'ai donc accepté cette offre (ca incluait le dîner) et je suis parti, tout à fait prêt à parler de ce merveilleux avion qui était tellement une partie dramatique de ma vie.
Après les présentations, j'ai emmener le public sur une mission de combat. D'abord sur une opération de sauvetage pour un pilote abattu. Les conduisit à travers le feu au sol, les cris à la radio, le martèlement du cœur, des traceurs dans le ciel, les avions qui tombent, parachutes dans le ciel au milieu des obus, 23mm et 37mm de plomb dans le ciel, l'absolu la terreur et la peur de la mission, les armes qui tirent, ... la lutte pour notre chemin dedans et hors de la zone cible-Le sang, la sueur et les larmes.
Et le soulagement incroyable de revenir à la base-Vivant!. C'était un assez bon spectacle, je crois.
La première question m'a ramené sur terre.
"Monsieur, voulez-vous nous dire, quelle était la couleur des puits de roue?"
Ca ne finit jamais!
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Messages : 233
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2010
Localisation : Montréal

Réalité des couleurs et leurs application Empty
MessageSujet: Réalité des couleurs   Réalité des couleurs et leurs application EmptyMar 12 Juin 2012 - 11:11

Un site qui permet de voir les couleurs d'après leur code FS:
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Messages : 1264
Date d'inscription : 15/05/2010
Localisation : à youcé?

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MessageSujet: Re: Réalité des couleurs et leurs application   Réalité des couleurs et leurs application EmptyMar 12 Juin 2012 - 12:13

En effet buzz super bon site. Yes chef
Si tu regarde mes recettes Tamiya j'y fait toujours référence! greengrin
Le gris pour ton RF-4EJ est 36440 si je me trompe pas...

36440 Light Gull Grey
*Recette 1-- Gris Pâle -- XF-19:1 + XF-80:1 + XF-2:2 + 1 goutte de jaune
*Recette 2-- Gris Pâle Variation Bleu -- XF-80:1 + XF-2:2 + 2 goutte de bleu
*Recette 3 -- Gris Pâle Variation Gris -- XF-19:1 + XF-80:1 + XF-2:2
*Recette 4 -- USN LIGHT GREY-(Gris pale) FS 36440 -- XF-19:2 + XF-2:1

Un autre exemple:

RAF WW2 (Spitfire Hurricane etc..)
Camouflage Europe de 1939 à 1941: Dark Green + Dark Earth + Sky

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membre du club
membre du club

Messages : 233
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2010
Localisation : Montréal

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MessageSujet: Re: Réalité des couleurs et leurs application   Réalité des couleurs et leurs application EmptyMar 12 Juin 2012 - 15:07

Bin oui... je n'avais pas exploré tes recettes, n'étant pas stocké en peintures Tamiya...
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